In the 2020-2021 academic year, the average grant aid received by full-time undergraduate students ranged from $6,860 to $22,740*.*stack-books*png?alt=media&token=4bc82755-b6de-4f7b-9a0d-0d24a63ade60

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Why Pursue A Degree?

Increased Earning Potential

On average, college graduates earn more than individuals with only a high school diploma. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, the median weekly earnings for workers with a bachelor's degree were $1,305, while the median weekly earnings for workers with only a high school diploma were $781.

Career Opportunities

A college degree can provide access to a wider range of career opportunities, including those requiring specialized knowledge or skills. Some careers, such as those in healthcare, engineering, or law, require a college degree for entry. In addition, a college degree can demonstrate to employers that you have the commitment and work ethic needed to complete a rigorous program of study.

Personal Growth and Development

Pursuing a college degree can also provide personal growth and development opportunities. College can be a time to explore new ideas, meet people from diverse backgrounds, and gain new skills and knowledge. Additionally, the experience of navigating the college environment and balancing academic and extracurricular activities can help develop important life skills such as time management, critical thinking, and communication.

* According to the College Board $6,860 was the average at public, four-year colleges and universities and $22,740 was the average at private, non-profit four-year colleges and universities.
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